Part Four: Tips and Tricks from the Trenches

Part Four: Tips and Tricks from the Trenches

Alright guys, let's talk about something a bit more different. I'll be sharing some valuable tips and tricks that I've learnt working in the "trenches" and you know building myself up. I hope that this helps you navigate the challenges you might come across and make your coding journey more efficient and rewarding. So, let's dive in!

Making a decision

Though it seems simple, it's often not. You might wonder why I'm mentioning this, but hear me out. This is key to smoothing out your coding journey. Believe it or not, the coding world is vast, with numerous languages, tools, frameworks, and career paths. Knowing your direction can stop you from going in circles endlessly. I'm not even going to lie it took me quite a while to figure this one out but I'm glad I finally did.

I've hopped between various frameworks and languages, often quitting when things got tough. However, I'm grateful I didn't give up entirely. Being self-taught, I faced significant challenges due to the lack of proper guidance. But hey, that's why I'm here, to offer guidance and support so you don't face the same struggles I did.

Question everything

I get it, you might worry about feeling annoying or foolish when you're bombarding with questions, especially in a space where you might feel like the only newbie or the most confused person in the room. But let me assure you, asking questions is never a misstep. In fact, active interaction is the key to effective learning. Personally, the majority of what I've learned comes from engaging with others. Seriously, it sticks far better than anything I've gleaned from docs, tutorials, or courses. So, without a doubt, I'm all in for asking questions whenever you're feeling unsure about anything.

I'll give an example of a silly question so you'll get what I'm trying to say:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
        <meta name="description" content="Demo Project">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
        <style type="text/css"></style>
        <p>A Silly Question</p>
        <script type="text/javascript"></script>

Have you ever pondered over this: What does this line do: <!DOCTYPE html>? I mean, seriously, what's its purpose? Because, honestly, even if I remove that first line, my code still runs. Now, if you're a seasoned pro reading this, I know you're probably thinking, 'Who doesn't know this?' But hold on, it's just an example. And if you're reading this and don't know the answer, don't worry, I won't spoil it for you. Go ahead, ask Google, because actively seeking answers is the only way you'll truly learn and thrive, whether you're a developer or diving into any other field.

Tutorial Hell

It might sound a bit scary, but trust me, it's easy to get stuck in a cycle of learning, relearning, and repeating without putting it into practice. Learning is great, but taking breaks is important too. Studies show it's key for productivity and a positive outlook, especially for students spending hours on the computer. Hands-on experience is crucial too. It boosts motivation, confidence, and problem-solving skills, and helps you understand your learning process better. You know that feeling when you try something new, and it works? Well, let's be real, that doesn't always happen. Let me break it down for you.

I'm going to be attacking some people with this but 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️:

Learning from platforms like W3Schools or documentation often involves studying individual concepts—variables, functions, operators, and so on. But let's be real, none of this directly teaches you how to build something like a calculator or a meme generator. You end up with knowledge of concepts but struggle to apply them in practical scenarios. The solution? Build more. Don't get stuck in a loop of watching videos, reading articles, or browsing documentation. Instead, take a hands-on approach and build aggressively. Every concept you learn, try to apply it somewhere. This way, you'll develop a stronger grasp and a better understanding of each concept.


I'll share this with you for free: 'No man is an island.' In the coding world, connections can open doors you never imagined. The coding community is vast and supportive. Make the most of it! Platforms like Stack Overflow, Reddit, and various online forums are treasure troves of knowledge and solutions to common coding challenges. When you hit a roadblock, chances are someone else has faced it too. Don't hesitate to seek help, ask questions, and contribute to these communities. Collaboration is a powerful tool in your coding journey.

Speaking from experience, many of my first gigs came from connections. It wasn't necessarily about having the best resume or the most experience but having people who believed in me and provided opportunities I wouldn't have found on my own. I won't sugarcoat it; the journey can be tough. But that's where the support of others comes in. Having people who encourage you along the way makes all the difference. I'll probably write a step-by-step guide on connections soon.

Never Give Up!

"Never give up." You've heard it before, but it bears repeating. This space is like a jungle, where only the toughest survive. Challenges will come, pushing you to your limits. You'll feel frustrated, want to quit, consider throwing in the towel or even question your life's choices and your very own existence. (I think I'm being dramatic😂). But don't. Take a break when it's too much. Relax, do something you enjoy, or just get some sleep. Then return with a determined attitude to overcome any obstacle and excel in your field.


Consistency is like the engine that drives success in the tech world. It's all about sticking to your routine—coding, learning, problem-solving—day in and day out. By staying consistent, you steadily improve your skills and knowledge. In an industry where things are always changing, consistency keeps you moving forward and helps you reach your goals. You'll definitely agree with me that new trends pop up every day, making it tough to keep pace—even more so if you're not consistent. So, make it a habit to show up every day, and witness your own growth.


I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing. As you embark on your coding journey, keep these tips and tricks in mind as they'll help you greatly. Most importantly, remember to take breaks and rest to maintain a healthy work-life balance as body no be firewood.

Stay tuned for the next installment of our blog series, where we'll explore advanced coding techniques and concepts!

Happy coding! 💻🚀

This blog is part of our Coding Tips 101 series. Check out previous articles on our blog page.

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